A unique tool for independent work on yourself, which has no analogues
A kit of author's cards for self-development from Pavel Sotnikov
Get an answer to any of your questions, work through the blocks and get to the next level
+7 918 238-96-88
Cards will help you to
We already have all the answers to the questions; we just need to be able to hear the voice of the subconscious. The cards will help to awaken it
You will be able to find and work through your internal barriers, preventing you from achieving your goals
Find the answer to the actual question
Establish a connection with the subconscious
Hear your true desires
Realize and remove blocks
You will be able to independently get an answer to your question directly from the subconscious, bypassing logic and conscious "traps of the mind"
Cards will help you to understand where to go if you are stuck and do not understand yourself.
Pavel Sotnikov
Bioenergotherapist with more than 20 years of experience
Specialist in Noosphere Technologies
I release consciousness from the clamped human attention units by social burden and norms of suppressing people by the structures of ruling the world
Consult clients all over the world
The author of my own technology of cleaning the human bio-field and consciousness
The creator of techniques, allowing a person to easily cope with difficulties on the life path of development
The author of the tool for translating intuitive brain information into words up to understanding the situational component of the problem
Pavel Sotnikov
Bioenergotherapist with more than 20 years of experience
Specialist in Noosphere Technologies
I release consciousness from the clamped human attention units by social burden and norms of suppressing people by the structures of ruling the world

Consult clients all over the world

The author of the tool for translating intuitive brain information into words up to understanding the situational component of the problem
The creator of techniques, allowing a person to easily cope with difficulties on the life path of development

The author of my own technology of cleaning the human bio-field and consciousness

Bioenergotherapist with more than 20 years of experience
Consult clients all over the world
I release consciousness from the clamped human attention units by social burden and norms of suppressing people by the structures of ruling the world
Consult clients all over the world
The author of my own technology of cleaning the human bio-field and consciousness
The creator of techniques, allowing a person to easily cope with difficulties on the life path of development
The author of the tool for translating intuitive brain information into words up to understanding the situational component of the problem
Биоэнерготерапевт - целитель, проводящий диагностику и лечение пациентов, используя биополе. По природе биоэнерготерапевты наделены огромным энергетическим потенциалом и знаниями. Науке объяснить работу специалиста не под силу.

Работа биоэнерготерапевта направлена на всю систему человека в целом, с учетом его физического тела, психического состояния, состояния энергетического поля и кармических задач, а также анализ потенциала, данного от природы. Ни в коем случае нельзя отделить одно от другого. Это баланс между материальным и духовным, и именно биоэнерготерапевт является проводником от вашей духовной составляющей, которая влияет на материальную сторону жизни.

Работа с тонкими слоями требует высокого уровня ответственности и глубоких знаний об устройстве мира и человека, как микро вселенной. Здесь нет места ошибкам и экспериментам, здесь словно микрохирургия над судьбой человека.

Биоэнерготерапевт за 1 сеанс убирает и причину, и следствие, в то время как психолог сеансов 10 будет искать только причину. Во едино связать душу и тело ранее было невозможно
Pavel's cards is a unique self-discovery tool
These are not just cards with the text; it's a self-transformation tool that can completely change your life.
In reality, every person knows how to solve any situation. All the answers to the questions are in our subconscious, but it can sometimes be difficult to hear them because all of us spend a lot of time "in our minds" and are used to being guided only by logic and the opinion of others. All this eventually prevents us from hearing the true voice of the subconscious and the present-day man begins to suffer, doubt, fear, and as a result gets stuck in his/her problems. And most importantly, he/she does not know what to do next

For you to be able to hear yourself again, understand where to move, solve any situation and make your life happy, I created a kit of cards for working with the subconscious.
There are 55 cards in the deck. Each card contains an energy-information message that will awaken your connection with the subconscious and highlight your blocks. Interacting with the cards, you will reach a new vibration level and start to undergo changes.
You focus on the question or situation you want to resolve. If there is no situation, you can ask the question "What is bothering me now?"
You shuffle the deck, looking in the eyes on the back of the card, and pull out a card
You read the information on the card and get the answer to your question. While interacting with each card, your streams expand, and the question or situation begins to be worked through at the energy level
There start to pop up the blocks and negative programs that disturb you at the moment. To work them through, you can also use the cards, pulling them out and asking how to remove the block
As a result, you work through all the destructive programs and negative attitudes disturbing you now, and get answers to all your questions
How do the cards work?
What problems can be solved with the help of the cards?
The cards will help to find solutions to any question disturbing you at the moment
How to increase your income?
How to find your man/woman?
How to open your own business?
How to establish a family life?
How to stop living under stress?
How to grow in money?
How to get rid of fears?
How to make your life happy?

What problems can be solved with the help of the cards?
The cards will help to find solutions to any question disturbing you at the moment.
How to increase your income?
How to find your man/woman?
How to open your own business?
How to establish a family life?
How to stop living under stress?
How to grow in money?
How to make your life happy?
How to get rid of fears?
150 €
The kit includes 55 cards and instructions for working with them
Self-development kit from Pavel Sotnikov
Delivery worldwide by SDEK or Russian Post (EMS). The cost of delivery is calculated according to the tariffs of the transport company and is paid upon receipt of the order.
Click to order
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© 2021
Павел Ситников
What's the difference between Pavel's cards and tarot cards, or any other?
Pavel's cards are not divinatory; they give an answer of a particular block in the subconscious that prevents a person from living happily and developing further. By removing this block, a person changes his/her life instantly
How long does it take to deal with one problem?
You can instantly solve the problem if you are open and objective to your problem for accepting and being aware of it
What If I happen to fail to solve my problem with the help of the cards?
This tool has instructions for using the cards; this is a kind of a contract with your subconscious. After reading it, you thereby agree with your subconscious about the order of actions on your part and getting accurate information from the subconscious about the disturbing problem in your consciousness. Thus, you pull out exactly the answer you need to work through, and you can pull out the same card many times, moreover, your question to the subconscious may not coincide with the answer of the card that fell out to you. Because the subconscious will give you out the problem that you need to accept and realize! As soon as you really accept the conscious truth in yourself, you will instantly change your life, and the cards will give you answers to your other questions
What's the difference between Pavel's cards and tarot cards, or any other?
Pavel's cards are not divinatory; they give an answer of a particular block in the subconscious that prevents a person from living happily and developing further. By removing this block, a person changes his/her life instantly
How long does it take to deal with one problem?
You can instantly solve the problem if you are open and objective to your problem for accepting and being aware of it
What If I happen to fail to solve my problem with the help of the cards?
This tool has instructions for using the cards; this is a kind of a contract with your subconscious. After reading it, you thereby agree with your subconscious about the order of actions on your part and getting accurate information from the subconscious about the disturbing problem in your consciousness. Thus, you pull out exactly the answer you need to work through, and you can pull out the same card many times, moreover, your question to the subconscious may not coincide with the answer of the card that fell out to you. Because the subconscious will give you out the problem that you need to accept and realize! As soon as you really accept the conscious truth in yourself, you will instantly change your life, and the cards will give you answers to your other questions
If you need a consultation, contact me, I will answer all your questions
© 2021
Pavel Sotnikov
INN 230907065195
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